All the world’s animals can suddenly fly. Just like that. Overnight. Fred and Ned, an odd couple of hares, living the easy life in their cosy meadow wake up to find that all the flying animals on the planet have somehow confused their peaceful home with an airstrip.
With their particular brand of genius they go about creating a truly international airport! For Fred and Ned their troubles have only just taken off…

Program information:
26 x 11′ / 2010 / HD / Worldwide TV Rights (except Benelux)
3D Animation
Available languages:
English, Arabic, Portuguese, Afrikaans, Bengali, Italian, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Hebrew, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Gaelic, Ukrainian, Icelandic, Catalan, Galician, Spanish (Iberian), Spanish (Latin), Polish, Farsi, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Kurdish, Kazakh, French
Jan Bultheel & Fabrice Fouquet
(Zoé Kézako)
Graphic bible by:
Jan Bultheel & Antoine Barraud
Literary bible:
Jan Bultheel & Luciano Lepinay
Story editors:
Andy Rheingold & Jean-Pierre Mo